Little dudes, Big cuteness
The Berkshire piglets are one week old. They are healthy, feisty and eating well! Weaner pigs can be reserved now, and will be available...
Redhaven + Nine
It's been a busy couple of days at Redhaven. Bertha had a tough time laboring in this heat, but she was a trooper and gave us nine BOYS....
Piglet Watch 2017
Piglet delivery any day now!
Here come the peeps!
Violet is hatching her summer clutch. Thirty-five days ago she started sitting on this nest of about 8 eggs, and the first little peep is...
Drone Meets Farm
Our wonderful and talented friend Pepe came out to the farm to test out his new "toy"- a drone! Check out this amazing video!I'm...
Steer in the Daisies
We partnered with Rocky Dog Ranch to raise these beautiful Brahman Angus cross steer. We implement rotational grazing to maximize healthy...
Berkshire Yorkshire Cross Piglets
Pearl's February litter of 9 piglets are AMAZING. Pearl is a fantastic mother, and takes good care of her babies. They are growing fast-...
Berkshire Piglets Due in July
Exciting news at Redhaven farms!!! Bertha is pregnant! In swine speak we say a bred gilt or sow is "settled". A gilt is a lady pig that...
Muscovy Ducklings!!!
Squeaky hatched a clutch of beautiful Muscovy ducklings! What does it take to hatch a duckling you ask???? The hen (aka lady duck) will...